Subir facturas mediante la DI-API del SDK

Como subir archivos XML de facturas mediante la DI-API de SAP B1?
lenguaje de programación C# en Visual studio 2017.

tengo este codigo pero no me funciona:


                SAPbobsCOM.Documents oJE;

                oJE = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oInvoices);

                //SAPbobsCOM.Documents oJE.Browser.ReadXml("C:\temp.xml", 0);

                if (oJE.Add() == 0) {


Utiliza un bloque try-catch para ver si se genera algun error y de que tipo.

    Dim vCmp As New SAPbobsCOM.Company

        ‘// Set Company object properties

        vCmp.UseTrusted = True

        vCmp.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2008

        vCmp.Server = “xxxxxx“

        vCmp.LicenseServer = “xxxxxx:30000″

        vCmp.CompanyDB = “xxxxxx“

        vCmp.UserName = “xxxxxx“

        vCmp.Password = “xxxxxx“


            ‘// Connects to the SAP Business One company database.


            ‘// Call Documents obj

            Dim oJE As SAPbobsCOM.Documents 

            ‘// BoObjectTypes Enumeration specifies the object types.

            oJE = vCmp.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oInvoices)

            ‘// Browses XML formatted data and enables to update the data.


            ‘// Parameters

            ‘// XmlFileStr: Specifies the XML file name or the XML content string

            ‘//            depending on the value of the XMLAsString property.

            ‘// Index :  Specifies the number of the object that you want

            ‘//          to read from the XML data (starts from 0, default 0).

            oJE.Browser.ReadXml(“C:\temp.xml”, 0)

            ‘// The Add function adds a record to the object table

            ‘// in SAP B1 company database.

            ‘// If there is no errors while importing, the Add function returns 0

            If oJE.Add() = 0 Then MsgBox(“OK!”)

        Catch ex As Exception



            ‘// Disconnects an active connection with the company database.


            vCmp = Nothing

        End Try

¿Puedes subir o mostrar un XML de prueba para verificar que esta bien estructurado?

2 Me gusta

Buen día
Si estás subiendo un xml con estructura objeto de SAP B1, mira el ejemplo que está en la ruta:

C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One SDK\Samples\COM DI\CSharp\08.LoadFromXML


3 Me gusta

gracias hermano era justo el xml que buscaba

1 me gusta

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