Error al enviar correo por outlook integration


Les comento que ya instalé el addon de outlook integration, lo conecté con éxito, procedí a la configuración de correo predeterminado como outlook en parametrizaciones generales de SBO.

No obstante cuando voy a enviar el correo mediante la funcionalidad de outlook integration desde SBO me da el siguiente error.

En este sentido acudo a ustedes a ver si tienen alguna solución al respecto.

Atento a sus comentarios.

Saludos cordiales.

Al ser addon, deberías primero contactar a soporte de dicho desarrollo.
No tienen página oficial donde puedas poner el error y te digan qué puede ser?


En el foro de SAP encontré esto:

OI: MS Outlook does not send new mail with OI installed


With Outlook Integration (OI) installed, and in a certain condition, Microsoft Outlook does not send a new mail,

Other terms

B1, b1, add-on , add on, addon, Addon, OI, Outlook Integration,

send, mail, Outbox

Reason and Prerequisites

The root cause is: The ‘Sent’ field of the mail is set to ‘None’. Outlook can not send such a mail.

Why this field was set to ‘None’?

1, Outlook main menu-> Tools-> Options->Mail Setup-> ‘Send immediately when connected’, this option box is unchecked;

2, And, some Outlook add-in (e.g. OI) is running;

3, And, we are opening/viewing the Outbox folder. So the add-in will scan the current or first mail item in this folder;

4, Then, if we create and send a new mail, it will not be sent immediately. It is put into the Outbox. If we are now viewing the Outbox folder, this un-sent mail will be marked as read and the ‘Sent’ field will be set to ‘None’.

This is a common issue/bug that Microsoft Outlook is not compatible with some add-ins.

Such an add-in will open/scan the current/selected mail item. If it is in the Outbox(ready to send) and has not been sent yet, it will also be opend/scanned by the add-in, and closed. Then Outlook will mark the ‘Sent’ field from a certain date/time(of create) to ‘None’. When We invoke the Send action, Outlook will not send a mail without a certain sent date/time.


To solve this issue, we may try:

1, Check the ‘Send immediately when connected’ option box.

2, Or, do not open/view the Outbox while you creating/sending new mails.

3, Or, just leave and select an un-sent mail in outbox. And the subsequent created mails will be sent successfully. Because they are not selected and will not be marked to ‘None’.

4, Or, Stop/Terminate the add-in process. For Outlook Integration, the running process is BO_SyncExt.exe.

For those mails already marked as ‘None’, please try the above

solutions. And then open one of them, try to send it again.

A ver si te soluciona algo
Un saludo

Muchas gracias estimado por el feedback.

Te comento que el cliente no posee instalado el outlook por los momentos.

En este sentid habría que esperar que instalen el aplicativo para poder probar la conexión del addon outlook integration.
